Reseña de Greek Affairs: Tempted By The Tycoons

Kate Hewitt, Annie West & Katherine Garbera

Greek Affairs: Tempted By The Tycoons de Kate Hewitt, Annie West & Katherine Garbera Resumen del Libro

Caught up in a wave of desire for the gorgeous Greek tycoon…

Penniless Bride

Finding out he’s a father has left billionaire businessman Lukas Petrakides in a bit of a bind. How can he combine his passions in life – business and women – with full-time fatherhood? His solution is simple: Rhiannon, the baby’s temporary guardian, will make a very convenient wife…

Paper Wife

On the eve of his betrothal Stavros Denakis is stunned to discover that the wife he thought he’d lost years before is in fact alive and well. Tessa’s timing can’t be coincidence, she must want her share of the Denakis millions, but Stavros won’t settle. He’ll seduce her into staying!

Secret Heir

Four years before Ava Monroe and billionaire Christos Theakis had shared a brief but passionate affair. For Ava it was life changing – she’s raising their son! But Christos believes Ava betrayed him with his own brother. Now his brother is dead and Christos is back for the Theakis heir…

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Tamaño del e-libro 7.2 MB

Greek Affairs: Tempted By The Tycoons (Kate Hewitt, Annie West & Katherine Garbera) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Greek Affairs: Tempted By The Tycoons E-Book

El libro Greek Affairs: Tempted By The Tycoons escrito por Kate Hewitt, Annie West & Katherine Garbera se publicó el jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012 en la categoría Contemporánea. Un total de 178 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico greek affairs: tempted by the tycoons (7.2 MB)

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