Reseña de How to Become Vegan

Steve Pavlina

How to Become Vegan de Steve Pavlina Resumen del Libro

In How to Become Vegan, New York Times bestselling author Steve Pavlina explains the long-term benefits he's experienced over the last 18 years of leading a vegan lifestyle — not only the physical advantages, but the mental clarity and the incredible boost in energy that happened once he managed to go vegan past 30 days.

Chapter 1: How to Transition to Vegan Foods
Chapter 2: Increasing Your Food Intelligence
Chapter 3: Restoring Conscious Choice
Chapter 4: Eat Vegan on a Budget
Chapter 5: Eat Vegan While Traveling
Chapter 6: Be Unapologetically Vegan
Chapter 7: Legal Discrimination
Chapter 8: Eating Vegan Is Just the Beginning
Chapter 9: Honour Your True Feelings
Chapter 10: Dealing with Animal Eaters
Chapter 11: Vegan Romance
Chapter 12: Go Fully Vegan
Chapter 13: Create Your Own Vegan Rituals

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Be Unapologetically Vegan

New vegans are often pretty socially timid when it comes to getting their needs met. Some of them act like they should apologize for inconveniencing other people, as if it’s an unfair burden to help someone who doesn’t want to slaughter animals for food.

I suggest you dump that attitude. Being vegan is awesome. You need never apologize for it. By going vegan, you’ve made a decision that’s all around better for everyone. Have no doubt about that.

Don't buy into the brainwashing that tells you you’re a high-maintenance social outcast. Don’t marginalize yourself. You’ve made an intelligent choice. You’re not a social outcast. You’re a leader. Act like one.

Many vegans adopt the mindset that being vegan puts them on the fringes of society. The thinking is that when you go vegan, you’re no longer a mainstream person. You’re weird, different, and unusual. You’re not like everyone else.

If you’ve bought into that kind of thinking, you’ve inadvertently swallowed some propaganda from the animal products industries. They devote part of their marketing budgets, both directly and through trade associations, to encourage people to marginalize vegans in this way. Why? Because veganism is a threat to their profits. So they manipulate social pressures to try to prevent more people from wanting to go that route.

It’s unfortunate that vegans buy into this kind of thinking too. I’ve certainly fallen for it at times.

Instead of seeing yourself as an outcast, get aligned with the truth. By going vegan you’ve made serious progress in improving your lifestyle, not just for your own benefit but for the benefit of animals, other people, and the world as a whole. This isn’t outcast behavior. This is leadership, plain and simple.

By graduating to veganism, you’ve put yourself at the top of the human pyramid in terms of alignment with intelligent, ethics, and conscious growth. Feel good about what you’ve accomplished, and keep learning, growing, and improving.

This isn’t a mindset that stems from arrogance or conceit. It stems from caring. Isn’t it obvious that as a vegan, you’re behaving in a more caring and compassionate way towards the planet? It’s it obvious that the world would be greatly improved if more people followed suit? Let the obviousness of that sink in.

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