Reseña de The art of war

Sun Tzu

The art of war de Sun Tzu Resumen del Libro

“If you know others and you know yourself, even in one hundred battles you will not find yourself at risk; if you do not know others, but you know yourself, you will win some battles and lose others; if you do not know others and you do not know yourself, you are at risk in every battle.”                                        

The Art of War is considered the oldest recorded treatise on military strategy. Written around the year 500 BC, this book uncovers the secrets of logic and armament, outlines the systems of authority, explains the keys to communication and discipline, differentiates the levels of military rank, and above all establishes absolutely innovative guidelines for strategy that are still used today. 
 Its teachings go beyond the literal concept of “war.” For Sun Tzu, the successful person achieves his goals without devastating or humiliating others. The triumphant person prepares a tactic to achieve his goals, takes advantage of his opportunities, accepts his weaknesses, and recognizes his strengths. Those ideas led to the practice of applying the philosophy of The Art of War to questions of business and personal betterment. 
The words of Sun Tzu are read today as a manual for behaviors that help one defeat obstacles in various parts of life in order to achieve victory and exercise dominion over all who keep him from the path to success. 

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Nombre del libro The art of war
Género Historia militar
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 563.15 KB

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Descarga de The art of war E-Book

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