Reseña de Digital Tools for Teachers - Second Edition

Nik Peachey

Digital Tools for Teachers - Second Edition de Nik Peachey Resumen del Libro

In this Second Edition of Digital Tools for Teachers I have built on the original volume by updating and extending many of the original chapters and also by adding and additional chapter which is dedicated to providing a range of links to ready-made computer games that can be used for language acquisition and development.
The remainder of the book, like the first edition, is a collection of more than 100 links to tools and resources that have been chosen and organised to enable teachers to easily find ways of applying technology to the activities they do with their students.

The chapters of the book are divided into simple pedagogical tasks that most teachers need to carry out or help their students with and the descriptions of the resources are suitably concise to make the book easy for a stressed teacher to access and browse in a few spare moments between classes.

The sites, apps and resources within the book have been divided into the following chapters:
-: Reading Tools
-: Writing Tools
-: Speaking Tools
-: Listening Tools
-: Grammar Tools
-: Presentation Tools
-: Poll & Survey Tools
-: Infographic Tools
-: Course Creation Tools
-: Games & Gamification

All of the tools and resources selected for the book are either free or have a usable freemium offering, so you won't need to pay for any of these resources in order to sustain the work you are doing with your students.

Over the coming years it is my intention to regularly review and expand on the contents of this book. If you would like to be involved and assist in this process you can do so by:
-: Suggesting tools to be included in future editions
-: Writing an entry about a tool you have used and found useful
-: Reporting a dead link or a tool or resource that has become commercially unviable for teachers
-: Reporting a typo or factual error.

Anyone who contributes in any of the ways above will get a brief mention in the next edition of the book along with a link to their own blog or website.
Send contributions to: nik.peachey[at]

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Nombre del libro Digital Tools for Teachers - Second Edition
Género Artes y disciplinas lingüísticas
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 23.14 MB

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