Reseña de The Protocol

J. Robert Kennedy

The Protocol de J. Robert Kennedy Resumen del Libro



For two thousand years, the Triarii have protected us, influencing history from the Crusades to the discovery of America. Descending from the Roman Empire, they pervade every level of society, and are now in a race with our own government to retrieve an ancient artifact thought to have been lost forever.

Caught in the middle is Archaeology Professor James Acton, relentlessly hunted by the elite Delta Force, under orders to stop at nothing to possess what he has found, and the Triarii, equally determined to prevent the discovery from falling into the wrong hands.

With his students and friends dying around him, Acton flees to find the one person who might be able to help him, but little does he know he may actually be racing directly into the hands of an organization he knows nothing about.

From USA TODAY and million copy bestselling author J. Robert Kennedy, comes The Protocol, the first entry in an action-packed globe-spanning series of thrillers certain to leave you breathless. If you enjoy fast-paced adventures in the style of Dan Brown, Clive Cushier, and James Rollins, then you’ll love this taut tale of archaeological suspense. 

Get The Protocol now, and dig up a thriller two thousand years in the making…

About the James Acton Thrillers:

★★★★★ "James Acton: A little bit of Jack Bauer and Indiana Jones!"

The James Acton Thrillers series and its spin-offs, the Special Agent Dylan Kane Thrillers and the Delta Force Unleashed Thrillers, have sold over one million copies. If you love non-stop action and intrigue with a healthy dose of humor, try James Acton today!

★★★★★ “A great blend of history and current headlines.”

About J. Robert Kennedy:

With over one million books sold, award winning and USA Today bestselling author J. Robert Kennedy has been ranked by Amazon as the #1 Bestselling Action Adventure novelist based upon combined sales. He is a full-time writer and the author of over forty international bestsellers including the smash hit James Acton Thrillers. He’s married, has an adult daughter, and is likely hard at work on his next book.

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Nombre del libro The Protocol
Género Acción y aventura
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 990.21 KB

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Descarga de The Protocol E-Book

El libro The Protocol escrito por J. Robert Kennedy se publicó el jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016 en la categoría Acción y aventura. Un total de 120 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the protocol (990.21 KB)

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