Reseña de A Taste of Seduction

Mary Campisi

A Taste of Seduction de Mary Campisi Resumen del Libro

Love and Betrayal…Regency style

A young woman of noble blood, raised as a peasant girl…
An orphaned stable boy, now grown and the surrogate son of a powerful earl—the same earl who just so happens to be the young woman’s father…
Francie Jordan and Alexander Bishop have nothing in common—she runs barefoot and talks to animals. He won’t loosen his cravat unless the bedroom door is firmly closed. She believes in love, second chances, and happily ever after. He believes in keeping a safe distance from anything that resembles an emotion. Indeed, they have nothing in common but an undeniable desire for one another they can’t ignore, and an ailing “father” who will employ any means to bring them together. 
Unfortunately, not everyone wishes to see a union between Francie and Alexander, and they will stop at nothing to keep this couple apart.

An Unlikely Husband Series:
Book One: A Taste of Seduction (Francie & Alexander’s story)
Book Two: A Touch of Seduction: a novella (Ariana & Jason’s story)
Book Three: A Scent of Seduction (Julia & Jon’s story)
Book Four: A Breath of Seduction (Sophie & Holt’s story)
Book Five: A Dash of Seduction (Madeline & Douglas’s story)

Bonus Material: Included in this eBook is a sample of A Touch of Seduction, An Unlikely Husband, Book 2.

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Nombre del libro A Taste of Seduction
Género Romance de temática histórica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 2.31 MB

A Taste of Seduction (Mary Campisi) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de A Taste of Seduction E-Book

El libro A Taste of Seduction escrito por Mary Campisi se publicó el miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014 en la categoría Romance de temática histórica. Un total de 176 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico a taste of seduction (2.31 MB)

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