Reseña de The Rock 'N’ Roll Waitress at the Hard Rock Cafe

Rita Gilligan

The Rock 'N’ Roll Waitress at the Hard Rock Cafe de Rita Gilligan Resumen del Libro

Meet Rita Gilligan, Hard Rock Cafe’s original ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll’ waitress and international cultural ambassador and MBE. It was 1971 when Hard Rock first opened its doors in London, and Rita was there with her spunky, chatty, and absolutely lovable personality. Over the forty-five years she served at Hard Rock, Rita has collected quite some stories to tell, including her relationship with rock ‘n’ roll celebrities, Hard Rock’s history, and her own personal life struggles. In this book Rita tells her story from being a shy Catholic schoolgirl in Galway to becoming the best known waitress and later ambassador of one of history's most iconic American style restaurants. She also narrates how she met Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen and many other famous celebrities during her time at the Hard Rock. Written with candid humour and disarming honesty, Rita serves up a brilliantly crafted story about how the Hard Rock, like herself, defied all the odds to become a global phenomenon.

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Nombre del libro The Rock 'N’ Roll Waitress at the Hard Rock Cafe
Género Música
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 12.35 MB

The Rock 'N’ Roll Waitress at the Hard Rock Cafe (Rita Gilligan) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Rock 'N’ Roll Waitress at the Hard Rock Cafe E-Book

El libro The Rock 'N’ Roll Waitress at the Hard Rock Cafe escrito por Rita Gilligan se publicó el jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016 en la categoría Música. Un total de 198 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the rock 'n’ roll waitress at the hard rock cafe (12.35 MB)

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