Reseña de Billionaire Rock - Part 3

Ali Parker, Lexy Timms & Sierra Rose

Billionaire Rock - Part 3 de Ali Parker, Lexy Timms & Sierra Rose Resumen del Libro

Billionaire Rock - Diamond in the Rough Anthology Part 3

3 Billionaire Stories 

By Bestselling authors Ali Parker, Lexy Timms & Sierra Rose  

It’s not always about the money…

Book 1 - Ali Parker - My Creative Billionaire #1

Being rich means living up to the expectations of others... even when you don't want to. 

Matt's always known what it was like to live on the high end of society, and where his brother and father love it... he hates it. A creative at heart, he's forced into the world of Accounting to help stand beside the family name and build an empire from the ground up. His true passion is art, life and love. 

Erica is the Chief Advertising Officer for Bryant Accounting Firm and has had her eye on the CEO's son, Matthew for quite some time. He's a bit docile in public, and often plays the fool, but something tells her that a very different man exists just beneath the surface. She's willing to wager her career by taking Matt beneath her wing, and hopefully to her bed.

Book 2 - Lexy Timms - Unknown

Life has changed radically for Leslie. Her husband has finally succumbed to his terminal cancer and it's time for her to have a change of scenery. Moving across the country and setting up shop, Leslie takes the months to rebuild her life and figure out what she wants in the future.

Pouring herself into her successful mystery books series she's written, she is a reclusive global sensation writing under a penname. 

Leslie realizes that her life is missing the romance she so desperately craved and now she's on the hunt to live her life beyond her grief.

Sooner than she realizes, cupid comes calling in the form of a handsome actor who has no clue she's a successful author. However, he comes with his own personal set of baggage. 

Is new love possible after you've laid true love to rest? 

Book 3 - Sierra Rose - The Pretend Billionaire Groom

Rose is a veterinarian in Wessler, a small town she calls home. Her father has just passed away. In order to secure her inheritance, she must be married by age twenty-six. And that's when she calls in her crazy, unemployed, and carefree best friend named Tommy. 

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Nombre del libro Billionaire Rock - Part 3
Género Romance New Adult
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 2.55 MB

Billionaire Rock - Part 3 (Ali Parker, Lexy Timms & Sierra Rose) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Billionaire Rock - Part 3 E-Book

El libro Billionaire Rock - Part 3 escrito por Ali Parker, Lexy Timms & Sierra Rose se publicó el miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016 en la categoría Romance New Adult. Un total de 106 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico billionaire rock - part 3 (2.55 MB)

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