Reseña de Along Came a Spider

James Patterson

Along Came a Spider de James Patterson Resumen del Libro


The legendary thriller that launched the Alex Cross phenomenon


Two children have been kidnapped from an elite private school in Washington DC, and Detective Alex Cross is charged with finding them.

The kidnapper's identity is quickly determined as one of the children's teachers. But capturing him is the true challenge.

As Cross gets pulled deeper into the strange world of the kidnapper, it becomes clear he is far more dangerous than anyone could have anticipated.

Why readers love Alex Cross . . .
'There are so many twists and turns'
'First James Patterson book I've read - it won't be the last'
'Entertaining, intriguing and absolutely enthralling'
'Get to the book, sit down and enjoy'
'A gripping read'


'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades. The Alex Cross series proves it.' LEE CHILD

'Alex Cross is a legend' HARLAN COBEN

'I wrote, "Along Came a Spider is the best thriller I've come across in many a year. It deserves to be this season's no. 1 bestseller and should instantly make James Patterson a household name." A household name, indeed.' NELSON DEMILLE

'Brilliantly terrifying! So exciting that I had to stay up all night to finish it! Packed with white-knuckle twists.' DAILY MAIL

'An incredibly suspenseful read with a one-of-a-kind villain who is as terrifying as he is intriguing.' CLIVE CUSSLER

'Terror and suspense that grab the reader and won't let go. Just try running away from this one.' ED MCBAIN

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Nombre del libro Along Came a Spider
Género Misterio y suspense
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 4.01 MB

Along Came a Spider (James Patterson) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Along Came a Spider E-Book

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