Reseña de A Cowboy's Strength

Vicki Lewis Thompson

A Cowboy's Strength de Vicki Lewis Thompson Resumen del Libro

Kissing her was his first mistake...
Rancher Zane McGavin shoved Mandy Fielding out of his mind years ago. Once childhood best friends, they operated as a team until senior year. Then Mandy’s home life shattered. She left town, so he taught himself not to care. Now she’s back, and he cares more than he’ll ever admit. But she’s not staying.

Mandy rose from the ashes and created her dream job in NYC. But she misses the only family she has—her mom. Since her mom clearly misses her just as much, Mandy urges her to relocate. But there’s a roadblock. Zane insists her mother will be miserable in NYC. What does he know? And when did he turn into a gorgeous cowboy with a kiss that drives her wild?

Saddle up for the first book in the popular McGavin Brothers series of steamy western romances from the NYT bestselling author who brought you the Buckskin Brotherhood series. If you like sexy cowboys, charming small towns, and laugh-out-loud adventures, you’ll love the McGavin Brothers.

The books in this series are standalones and can be read in any order.
A Cowboy's Strength (Zane & Mandy)
A Cowboy's Honor (Cody & Faith)
A Cowboy's Return (Ryker & April)
A Cowboy's Heart (Bryce & Nicole)
A Cowboy's Courage (Trevor & Olivia)
A Cowboy's Christmas (Badger & Hayley)
A Cowboy's Kiss (Luke & Abigail)
A Cowboy's Luck (Michael & Roxanne)
A Cowboy's Charm (Quinn & Kendra)
A Cowboy's Challenge (Wes & Ingrid)
A Cowboy's Baby (Gage & Emma)
A Cowboy's Holiday (Pete & Taryn)
A Cowboy's Choice (Brendan & Jo)
A Cowboy's Worth (Rory & Damaris)
A Cowboy's Destiny (Aleck & Tansy)
A Cowboy's Secret (Aaron & Caitlin)
A Cowboy's Homecoming (Seth & Zoe)

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Nombre del libro A Cowboy's Strength
Género Romance en el lejano oeste
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.02 MB

A Cowboy's Strength (Vicki Lewis Thompson) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de A Cowboy's Strength E-Book

El libro A Cowboy's Strength escrito por Vicki Lewis Thompson se publicó el jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017 en la categoría Romance en el lejano oeste. Un total de 50 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico a cowboy's strength (1.02 MB)

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