Reseña de Keeper vs. Reaper

Jennifer Malone Wright

Keeper vs. Reaper de Jennifer Malone Wright Resumen del Libro

This novel is intended for an 18+ audience

When her father died, Lucy Mae Estmond inherited the family business. She has known all of her life that she would be in line to watch over the souls of the recently passed, keeping them safe from the Reapers.

The soul eating Reapers have been a plague upon the Earth, stealing souls and leaving the Keepers as the only thing that stands between Heaven and Hell. The factions despise each other and have warred for generations.

Then Lucy discovers an ancient legend predicting the arrival of the Chosen One, destined to bring forth an end to the Reapers. The surprises continue when she realizes she is that person. For Lucy, being the Chosen One doesn’t change much. Fighting Reapers is just another day in the life of a Keeper.

When she meets Jack Walker, they both realize they have an insane, mutual attraction. Too bad that he’s been sent to prevent the prophecy from coming true. His only mission: to kill the Chosen One.

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Nombre del libro Keeper vs. Reaper
Género Romance paranormal
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 997.89 KB

Keeper vs. Reaper (Jennifer Malone Wright) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Keeper vs. Reaper E-Book

El libro Keeper vs. Reaper escrito por Jennifer Malone Wright se publicó el lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017 en la categoría Romance paranormal. Un total de 62 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico keeper vs. reaper (997.89 KB)

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