Reseña de Mathventure for 5th Grade Focus on Operations

S. Lemay & J.C. Hamel

Mathventure for 5th Grade Focus on Operations de S. Lemay & J.C. Hamel Resumen del Libro

Over 30 hours of significant learning.

Designed by experienced authors, the Mathventure collection facilitates implementation of the Common Core Math Standards. The interactive books in this collection put students in meaningful learning situations that help them understand the world around them.

The books offer a wide variety of mathematical problems and activities that encourage students to reason, develop problem-solving strategies, communicate their solutions, and make connections between concepts and processes. 

Mathventure is more than just a collection. It is an approach that allows young students to discover the wonderful and fascinating world of mathematics. 

Mathventure for 5th Grade: Focus on Operations explores operations and algebraic thinking. The following concepts are developed:
Numerical expressions, operations with whole numbers, operations with decimals, rounding, patterns and relationships

This book contains many interactive elements: 
Drawing platform to present solutions, image gallery, video and audio features, animated solutions and content, review features with automatic correction 

S. Lemay, M.Ed., has been writing award-winning K-12 math textbooks for the past 20 years. Lemay is also an education consultant and has successfully managed various international education projects. Before moving into publishing, he taught high school and university math. Lemay has been nominated in the K-12 Education category for the 2016 and 2017 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education. 

J. C. Hamel, M.S. Pure Mathematics, has been writing K-12 math textbooks since 1993. Hamel captured 7th place honors in problem solving at the 2000 International Math Games.

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Nombre del libro Mathventure for 5th Grade Focus on Operations
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Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 809.08 MB

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Descarga de Mathventure for 5th Grade Focus on Operations E-Book

El libro Mathventure for 5th Grade Focus on Operations escrito por S. Lemay & J.C. Hamel se publicó el lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017 en la categoría Libros de texto. Un total de 52 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico mathventure for 5th grade focus on operations (809.08 MB)

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