Reseña de It's Not Always Depression

Hilary Jacobs Hendel

It's Not Always Depression de Hilary Jacobs Hendel Resumen del Libro

Accessible psychotherapy to put us back in touch with our emotions, from the Mental Health Consultant to Mad Men

In this practical and fascinating new account of psychological suffering, pioneering psychotherapist Hilary Jacobs Hendel shows that we should focus not on cognitive behavioural therapy or medication, but on our emotions. We were all taught that our thoughts affect our emotions, but in truth it is largely the other way around: we have to experience our emotions to truly understand our thoughts and our full selves.

And our emotions offer a more direct pathway to healing. It's Not Always Depression reveals the most effective techniques for putting us back in touch with the emotions we too often deny - methods which can be used by anyone, any time, anywhere. Drawing on stories from her own practice, Jacobs Hendel sheds light on the core emotions (such as joy, sadness and fear), defences (anything we do to avoid feeling) and inhibitory emotions (anxiety, shame and guilt), and how understanding their interaction can help us return to mental wellbeing - and quickly.

If we avoid our emotions, this requires energy that might otherwise help us be our authentic selves and be calm, curious and connected. Reacquaint yourself with your emotions, and recover a vital, more engaged, more authentic self.

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Nombre del libro It's Not Always Depression
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Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 11.95 MB

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Descarga de It's Not Always Depression E-Book

El libro It's Not Always Depression escrito por Hilary Jacobs Hendel se publicó el jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018 en la categoría Autoayuda. Un total de 62 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico it's not always depression (11.95 MB)

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