Reseña de Mary Shelley

Miranda Seymour

Mary Shelley de Miranda Seymour Resumen del Libro

‘The most dazzling biography of a female writer to have come my way for a decade…' – Financial Times

‘To be savoured for its vivid and sympathetic recreation of the tragic life and brilliant times of the gifted Mary Shelley’ – Times Literary Supplement

‘Brilliant and enthralling' – Independent On Sunday

'Wonderfully vivid' – Spectator

The definitive and richly woven biography of Mary Shelley, in celebration of the 200th anniversary of Frankenstein
The creator of the world’s most famous outsider became one herself . . .

There is no more dramatic scene in literary history than the stormy night by Lake Geneva when Byron, Claire Clairmont, Polidori and the Shelleys met to talk of horror and the unexplained. From that emerged Frankenstein, a monster who has haunted imaginations for two hundred years.
Miranda Seymour illustrates the rich and unexplored life of Mary Shelley. Everything from her childhood to her tempestuous relationship with Percy Shelley; Seymour brings to life the brilliant mind that created Frankenstein through unexplored and intriguing sources. 
The Mary Shelley we meet here is a woman we can engage with and understand. Her world, so rich in its settings and its cast of characters, seems drawn from a novel. She, at its centre, is flawed, brave, generous, and impetuous, a woman whose dark and brilliant imagination gave us a myth which seems ever more potent in our own era.

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Nombre del libro Mary Shelley
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Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 62.75 MB

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Descarga de Mary Shelley E-Book

El libro Mary Shelley escrito por Miranda Seymour se publicó el jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018 en la categoría Ensayos. Un total de 144 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico mary shelley (62.75 MB)

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