Reseña de Imperfect Love

Isabella White

Imperfect Love de Isabella White Resumen del Libro

Two people begrudgingly perfect for each other, creates the ideal recipe for imperfect love.

At 24 years old, Holly Scallanger has the perfect life. Everything a girl could want; a beautiful man, a stunning home, as well as being in the midst of preparing for the wedding of her dreams. This all vanishes the night she catches her fiancé, Brandon Morgan, in bed with her worst nightmare, Donna Sinclair, just a week before Holly is set to walk down the aisle.Attempting to recover from his betrayal, Holly swears off the affections of men in order to pick up the pieces of her crumbling life. Unfortunately, meeting Jake 'Hooligan' Peters is not part of her plan. The tall, dark-haired and handsome as hell med student, sweeps Holly away from the pain of her past and reveals to her the bright future that lies ahead. That is, until she falls pregnant just as Jake begins his internship at P&E; his family's hospital.Will this love at first sight lead her to the fairytale she has always craved? Or, will she fall victim to a betrayal of the heart yet again? 

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Nombre del libro Imperfect Love
Género Romance erótico
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 905.53 KB

Imperfect Love (Isabella White) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Imperfect Love E-Book

El libro Imperfect Love escrito por Isabella White se publicó el viernes, 19 de enero de 2018 en la categoría Romance erótico. Un total de 20 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico imperfect love (905.53 KB)

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