Reseña de Understanding the Scriptures

Dr. Scott Hahn, James Socias & Jeffrey Cole

Understanding the Scriptures de Dr. Scott Hahn, James Socias & Jeffrey Cole Resumen del Libro

This book by Dr. Scott Hahn presents a Catholic approach to Scripture, highlighting the theme of covenant. Tracing a path through salvation history, the book explains the various books of the Bible and the importance of each event in salvation history. Understanding the Scriptures will provide an understanding of Sacred Scripture so critical to the Catholic Faith.

This textbook, one of four in the Didache Complete Course Series, is used by high schools, home school groups, RCIA, and is also suitable for anyone looking to broaden their Faith knowledge.     
Twenty-five chapters, topics include:
• The Holy Catholic Church 
• The Blessed Trinity
• The Paschal Mystery
• The Blessed Virgin Mary
• The Sacraments and Prayer
• Christian Morality and the Universal Call to Holiness
• New chapter on Social Doctrine 

The Didache Complete Course Series is the series of four high school textbooks, teacher's manuals, and student workbooks.  Each title spans one academic year.  As of 2009, the textbooks were being used in about one-third Catholic high schools.

This textbook is published with ecclesiastical approval from the Archdiocese of Chicago.

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Tamaño del e-libro 335.16 MB

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El libro Understanding the Scriptures escrito por Dr. Scott Hahn, James Socias & Jeffrey Cole se publicó el jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018 en la categoría Libros de texto. Un total de 172 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico understanding the scriptures (335.16 MB)

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