Reseña de A Pilgrimage to Death

J. J. Cagney

A Pilgrimage to Death de J. J. Cagney Resumen del Libro

"Vivid, alluring, and heart-wrenching, A Pilgrimage to Death is every reason I love mystery. A breathtaking tale." ~ Darynda Jones, NY Times Bestselling Author

Cici discovers a body in the forest. The victim's wounds are identical to the ones that killed her sister a year ago...

Someone murdered her sister. And shot her dog. The killer won't stop until Cici's dead, too. 

With her identical twin sister haunting her dreams, Cici and her dogs must dodge arrows, bullets, and even a demon truck. Worse, she must grapple with the knowledge her twin's death was much more sinister than a random act of violence.

The chase is on. 

As Cici and Detective Sam Chastain edge closer to the truth, the murderer circles closer. This time, the criminal plots to stop Cici. Permanently.

Although these books are best read in order, as a series, they can be read as a standalone.

Identical Death is the first book in A Reverend Cici Gurule Mystery. 

A Pilgrimage to Death

A Heritage of Death

An Artifact of Death

A Revelation of Death

Additional Praise for A Pilgrimage to Death:

"A wholly absorbing gumshoe tale elevated by an extraordinary detective." ~ Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"This winning mystery novel is a breeze to read and Cici's laidback approach as a reverend means that readers certainly don't have to be religious to find her relatable." ~ IndieReader

"A Pilgrimage to Death was an edge-of-my-seat thrill ride that kept me guessing all the way through. Alexa Padgett weaves an intricate and enthralling tale, with relationships that run deep, and mystery that does the same. This was an all-around fantastic story, and I'm excited to read the next books in the series." ~ Allyson Lindt, USA Bestseller

"This is the first in a new mystery series and it sure doesn't disappoint. It's about a reverend, Cici, who is also a woman, which is a different take." ~ Goodreads Review

"I was glued to the pages, when I got my surprise at the end. I wanted to read another one. So book two please, as I'm impatient for the next one." ~ BookAddict

"A thriller read in one go, I immediately hooked to the captivating story, moving filled with suspense and twists. Eager to read what follows." ~ NetGalley Review

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Nombre del libro A Pilgrimage to Death
Género Acción y aventura
Idioma Español
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Descarga de A Pilgrimage to Death E-Book

El libro A Pilgrimage to Death escrito por J. J. Cagney se publicó el martes, 14 de agosto de 2018 en la categoría Acción y aventura. Un total de 60 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico a pilgrimage to death (537.71 KB)

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