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The Summary Guy

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Principles:  A Complete Summary - Life and Work 

“Principles” is a book written by Ray Dalio. The book was published in 2017 and it contains numerous principles, which were polished, utilized, and discovered by Ray Dalio. The author spent almost forty years in discovering the principles that greatly improved both his professional and personal life. When reading the book, readers can see the unique approach for every principle explained. Moreover, as we read the book we can also see the practical use of every principle, explained through real-life examples of people who used Dalio’s principles and succeeded. All this makes “Principles” extremely interesting and engaging to read. Another thing that makes this book something readers would certainly want to read from cover to cover is the fact that the book was written in a reader-friendly manner. This enables every reader to easily follow and thus apply every one of the author’s principles described in the book.
“Principles” is a book divided into three major parts. Every part of the book is further divided into several chapters (eight to be precise). This makes the book even easier to follow, to read, and to study, because every principle is thoroughly described and followed up with real-life examples.

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El libro Summary of Principles: Life and Work - by Ray Dalio escrito por The Summary Guy se publicó el domingo, 29 de abril de 2018 en la categoría Ayudas al estudio. Un total de 154 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico summary of principles: life and work - by ray dalio (2.67 MB)

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