Reseña de Humble Pi

Matt Parker

Humble Pi de Matt Parker Resumen del Libro

**The First Ever Maths Book to be a No.1 Bestseller**
'Wonderful ... superb' Daily Mail

What makes a bridge wobble when it's not meant to? Billions of dollars mysteriously vanish into thin air? A building rock when its resonant frequency matches a gym class leaping to Snap's 1990 hit I've Got The Power? The answer is maths. Or, to be precise, what happens when maths goes wrong in the real world.

As Matt Parker shows us, our modern lives are built on maths: computer programmes, finance, engineering. And most of the time this maths works quietly behind the scenes, until ... it doesn't. Exploring and explaining a litany of glitches, near-misses and mishaps involving the internet, big data, elections, street signs, lotteries, the Roman empire and a hapless Olympic shooting team, Matt Parker shows us the bizarre ways maths trips us up, and what this reveals about its essential place in our world.

Mathematics doesn't have good 'people skills', but we would all be better off, he argues, if we saw it as a practical ally. This book shows how, by making maths our friend, we can learn from its pitfalls. It also contains puzzles, challenges, geometric socks, jokes about binary code and three deliberate mistakes. Getting it wrong has never been more fun.

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Nombre del libro Humble Pi
Género Matemáticas
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 24.63 MB

Humble Pi (Matt Parker) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Humble Pi, libro de Matt Parker

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Descarga de Humble Pi E-Book

El libro Humble Pi escrito por Matt Parker se publicó el jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019 en la categoría Matemáticas. Un total de 16 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico humble pi (24.63 MB)

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