Reseña de Black Leopard, Red Wolf

Marlon James

Black Leopard, Red Wolf de Marlon James Resumen del Libro


Escape into a world of magic and danger with THE DARK STAR TRILOGY. Drawing on a rich tradition of African mythology, fantasy and history, this is the story of a lost child, an extraordinary hunter, and a mystery with many answers . . .

*Perfect for fans of Pratchett, George R. R. Martin and Octavia Butler*

'The kind of novel I never realized I was missing until I read it. A dangerous, hallucinatory, ancient Africa, which becomes a fantasy world as well-realized as anything Tolkien made' Neil Gaiman


Tracker is a hunter. Known throughout the thirteen kingdoms as one who has a nose, he always works alone. But he breaks his own rule when, hired to find a lost child, he finds himself part of a group of hunters, each stranger and more dangerous than the last.

As the mismatched gang follow the boy's scent from perfumed citadels to enchanted darklands, Tracker starts to wonder:

Who really is this mysterious boy?
Why do so many people want to stop him from being found?
And, most important of all, who is telling the truth and who is lying?

Marlon James weaves a breathtaking tapestry - at once ancient and startlingly modern - exploring the fundamentals of truth, limits of power, excesses of ambition, and our need to understand them all.

Chronicling the same events but telling a very different story - who will you believe? Read THE DARK STAR TRILOGY in any order! Book two, MOON WITCH, SPIDER KING, is available to pre-order now.


'Complex, lyrical, moving and furiously gripping . . . This new book will propel James into a new galaxy of literary stardom' Observer

'A game-changing modern fantasy classic' Financial Times

'James has thrown African cultures, mythologies, religions, histories, world-views and topographies into the mighty cauldron of his imagination to create a work of literary magic' New Statesman

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Nombre del libro Black Leopard, Red Wolf
Género Literario
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 11.11 MB

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Descarga de Black Leopard, Red Wolf E-Book

El libro Black Leopard, Red Wolf escrito por Marlon James se publicó el martes, 5 de febrero de 2019 en la categoría Literario. Un total de 40 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico black leopard, red wolf (11.11 MB)

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