Reseña de The Unbound Empire

Melissa Caruso

The Unbound Empire de Melissa Caruso Resumen del Libro

'This is a series worth your time' The Quill to Live

'A dashing, compelling and exciting story, blending magic, assassination, conspiracy and diplomacy . . . I loved this book' Blue Book Balloon on The Defiant Heir

While winter snows keep the invading armies of the Witch Lord Ruven at bay, Lady Amalia Cornaro and the fire warlock Zaira attempt to change the fate of mages in the Serene Empire forever. But on the night of Raverra's great masquerade, Ruven executes a devastating surprise strike at the heart of the Empire - threatening everything Amalia holds most dear.

To stand a chance of defeating Ruven, Amalia and Zaira must face their worst nightmares, expose their deepest secrets and unleash Zaira's ravaging fire.

The Unbound Empire is the epic finale to the spellbinding tale of courtly intrigue and dangerous magic that began with The Tethered Mage and The Defiant Heir.

Praise for the series:

'I couldn't put it down' Genevieve Cogman, author of The Invisible Library

'I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this series' Girls in Capes

'I raced through this exquisite debut in three days and adored it' Fantasy Book Review

'Wonderful characters and intriguing mysteries that kept me eagerly anticipating what would happen next . . . I can hardly contain my excitement for the third instalment' Fantasy Book Cafe

'Absolutely recommended' Book Smugglers

Books by Melissa Caruso:

Swords and Fire
The Tethered Mage
The Defiant Heir
The Unbound Empire

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Nombre del libro The Unbound Empire
Género Fantasía
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 3.22 MB

The Unbound Empire (Melissa Caruso) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Unbound Empire E-Book

El libro The Unbound Empire escrito por Melissa Caruso se publicó el jueves, 25 de abril de 2019 en la categoría Fantasía. Un total de 62 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the unbound empire (3.22 MB)

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