Reseña de Eat Your Way to Life and Health

Joseph Prince

Eat Your Way to Life and Health de Joseph Prince Resumen del Libro

Let the holy Communion revolutionize your life and health!

Through engaging Bible-based teaching, Pastor Joseph Prince unpacks a revelation of the Communion that has never been more relevant than right now. Along with showing you why the holy Communion is God’s ordained way to release life, health, and healing to us, Pastor Prince also tackles the tough questions:
Is God punishing me with sickness and disease?Is it really God’s will to heal me?Do I qualify for His healing power?What do I do when I don’t see results?Can God heal my loved ones?
The enemy wants you to believe that God doesn’t care and that your situation is hopeless. But because of the cross, you can have full assurance in your heart that God wants you healed and whole. Learn how you can access His healing power with just the simple act of eating.

In Eat Your Way to Life and Health, discover a God who loves you so much, His Son paid for your healing on Calvary’s cross.

Be deeply encouraged as you read powerful testimonies from people who have received healing through a revelation of the Communion, despite being told their conditions were terminal or incurable.

Whatever circumstances you are confronted with today, God has a word for you: Don’t give up. There is hope. He has made a way for you!

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Nombre del libro Eat Your Way to Life and Health
Género Cristianismo
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 5.73 MB

Eat Your Way to Life and Health (Joseph Prince) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Eat Your Way to Life and Health E-Book

El libro Eat Your Way to Life and Health escrito por Joseph Prince se publicó el martes, 1 de octubre de 2019 en la categoría Cristianismo. Un total de 112 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico eat your way to life and health (5.73 MB)

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