Reseña de Everyday Parenting with Security and Love

Kim S. Golding, Dan Hughes & Alex Barrett

Everyday Parenting with Security and Love de Kim S. Golding, Dan Hughes & Alex Barrett Resumen del Libro

Children who have experienced trauma, loss or separation early in life need more than just special care and attention; they need to be parented with love and security in a way that allows them to heal and rebuild emotional bonds. This comprehensive book provides parents and carers with crucial advice and guidance on how to strengthen attachment and trust.

Based on Dan Hughes' proven 'PACE' model of therapeutic parenting, this book explains how to implement PACE techniques to overcome the challenges faced by children who struggle to connect emotionally. Barriers to stable relationships such as a lack of trust, fear of emotional intimacy, and high levels of shame are all explained. It explores techniques to overcome these barriers by teaching how to support the child's behaviour at the same time as building empathy and trust.

The practical parenting guidance offered throughout is essential for carers or parents of troubled children, and will help build safe, secure emotional relationships.

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Nombre del libro Everyday Parenting with Security and Love
Género Ciencias sociales
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 3.24 MB

Everyday Parenting with Security and Love (Kim S. Golding, Dan Hughes & Alex Barrett) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Everyday Parenting with Security and Love E-Book

El libro Everyday Parenting with Security and Love escrito por Kim S. Golding, Dan Hughes & Alex Barrett se publicó el miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017 en la categoría Ciencias sociales. Un total de 38 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico everyday parenting with security and love (3.24 MB)

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