Reseña de Richard Osman's House of Games

Richard Osman & Alan Connor

Richard Osman's House of Games de Richard Osman & Alan Connor Resumen del Libro

Do you know how many post boxes there are in the UK? Could you guess how many times the word 'goat' appear in the King James Version of the bible? Fancy playing a game of charades where all of the books, films and plays are entirely made up?

Now, look around the room. Is anyone there the kind of person who’ll say ‘I just don’t understand this’, when faced with something that’s not just perfectly easy to understand, but is ... well, fun?

Ask them to leave.

Have they gone? Good.

Now welcome inside the House of Games ...

Featuring questions based on some of the most loved rounds from the hit BBC2 show, including Roonerspisims, Venn Will I Be Famous?, Dim Sums and Answer Smash, Richard Osman’s House of Games Quiz Book is the ultimate test of wit, wisdom and imagination.

Curated by Richard Osman and Alan Connor and featuring over 50 new and exclusive games to try out, this is your chance to step inside the House of Games and pitch your trivia skills against your family and friends.

Quirky, unique and exactly the right amount of silly, House of Games contains hours of guaranteed fun!

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Nombre del libro Richard Osman's House of Games
Género Juegos
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 12.68 MB

Richard Osman's House of Games (Richard Osman & Alan Connor) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Richard Osman's House of Games E-Book

El libro Richard Osman's House of Games escrito por Richard Osman & Alan Connor se publicó el jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019 en la categoría Juegos. Un total de 8 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico richard osman's house of games (12.68 MB)

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