Reseña de Art of War

Sun Tzu

Art of War de Sun Tzu Resumen del Libro

The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, the high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of Which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. Written in the 6th century B.C., remains the ultimate guide to combat strategy. Sun Tzu explains when and how to engage opponents in order to prevail in difficult situations. Instead of describing the logistics of warfare, he shows the reader how to succeed by motivating soldiers and leveraging tactical advantages. In short, he explains how to win the battle of wits. Though it was written for the battlefield, The Art of War contains valuable advice for other endeavors as well. Tzu's work has been lauded by sports coaches, business executives, and other leaders of the 21st century. This edition contains the translation of Lionel Giles, widely considered the most faithful and authoritative translation. Dalton Fury, New York Times bestselling author of Tier One Wild and Kill Bin Laden, says this: "Dean Garner's version of The Art of War confirms for us that for the past 2,000 years the fundamental principles of special operations in battle have not only remained true, but they apply equally to today's boardrooms and bedrooms. When on the hunt or holding ground, success can only be had by the precise application of disguise, deception and diversion, and a genuine appreciation for angles, inches, and seconds. Ranger Garner masterfully shows us how."

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Nombre del libro Art of War
Género Fuerzas armadas y conflictos
Idioma Español
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Descarga de Art of War E-Book

El libro Art of War escrito por Sun Tzu se publicó el jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2019 en la categoría Fuerzas armadas y conflictos. Un total de 134 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico art of war (2.46 MB)

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