Reseña de "Let's Be Buddies"

David Perlmutter

"Let's Be Buddies" de David Perlmutter Resumen del Libro

Major Hamilton Pomeranian, once a highly decorated Star Soldier, has been discharged for a recently gained injury. Now forced into a non-military life, she is uncertain about what to do until reconnecting with Jefferson Ball, an old army buddy, and agreeing to assist her at her "job"- not realizing exactly what that will involve until it is too late...An exciting story from the author of "Nothing About Us Without Us".About the author: David Perlmutter is a freelance writer based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He is the author of America Toons In: A History of Television Animation (McFarland and Co.), The Singular Adventures Of Jefferson Ball (Amazon Kindle/Smashwords), The Pups (, Certain Private Conversations and Other Stories (Aurora Publishing), Honey and Salt (Scarlet Leaf Publishing), Orthicon; or, the History of a Bad Idea (Linkville Press, forthcoming), The Encyclopedia of American Animated Television Shows (Rowman and Littlefield) and Nothing About Us Without Us (Amazon Kindle Direct Prime). His short stories can be read on Curious Fictions at Curious Fictions/David Perlmutter. He can be reached on Facebook at David Perlmutter-Writer, Twitter at @DKPLJW1, and Tumblr at The Musings of David Perlmutter (yesdavidperlmutterfan), and can be supported on Patreon at

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Tamaño del e-libro 137.33 KB

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"Let's Be Buddies" Libros Similares

Descarga de "Let's Be Buddies" E-Book

El libro "Let's Be Buddies" escrito por David Perlmutter se publicó el miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019 en la categoría Aventuras. Un total de 132 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico "let's be buddies" (137.33 KB)

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