Reseña de Think Big


Think Big de GRACE LORDAN Resumen del Libro

What are you doing today to make your dream future come true?

'A rare self-help book that's actually informed by evidence. A host of perceptive, practical tips for getting out of your own way and making progress toward your career goals.' Adam Grant, bestselling author of Think Again and Originals

'A practical and accessible guide to using behavioural science in your career.' Caroline Criado Perez, author of Invisible Women

We all have big ambitions for the future but those dreams only become reality if we do something towards them regularly. To achieve audacious goals, we need to take action and make small changes every day. We need to think big and act small. Drawing on cutting-edge research from behavioural science, Dr Grace Lordan offers immediate actionable solutions and tips that will help you get closer to your dream future, every day.

Focusing on six key areas - your time, goal planning, self-narratives, other people, your environment, and resilience - Dr Lordan reveals practical, science-backed hacks that will help you get ahead. Each chapter introduces us to behavioural science concepts like the 'halo effect', 'confirmation bias', 'affect heuristic' and the 'ostrich effect', to help you better understand yourself and others, so that you can get the most out of your career.

Whether you fantasise about changing industry, landing that big promotion, writing a screenplay or setting up your own company, Think Big creates a clear pathway to the future you want now. Some of the things you'll learn include how to:

· Overcome a fear of failure and throw yourself at opportunity
· Craft the optimum environment for work and give yourself ample time for tasks
· Rewrite self-narratives and tackle imposter syndrome
· Watch out for other people's biases and stop them from holding you back

Think Big provides a practical framework to keep you moving in the right direction towards any goal. It will help you get out of your own way and propel you on the path to success, transforming you from dreamer to doer!

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Descarga de Think Big E-Book

El libro Think Big escrito por GRACE LORDAN se publicó el jueves, 25 de marzo de 2021 en la categoría Profesiones. Un total de 90 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico think big (2.34 MB)

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