Reseña de The Mistletoe Game

Ellis O. Day

The Mistletoe Game de Ellis O. Day Resumen del Libro

It's Christmas Eve at La Petite Mort Club and the night is about to get interesting because it's almost time to play The Mistletoe Game.

Adrian is prowling the Club when he notices the saddest woman he'd ever seen. She looks like her world has ended. He's just the guy to cheer her up. He's rich, attractive and charming.

Unfortunately, Ellie finds him annoying, arrogant, and too alpha. She's done with alpha males who can't keep it in their pants and wouldn't know the meaning of the word faithful if they were reading it in the dictionary.

But when Ellie's cheating ex calls her cold, the only way to prove him wrong is to play The Mistletoe Game with Adrian.

How bad can it be?

They're in public. It's a game. Probably, a few kisses under the mistletoe, except this is La Petite Mort Club and nothing is as innocent as just a kiss.

This new adult, steamy, contemporary, holiday romantic comedy is laugh-out-loud funny and so hot that you'll need a fan. Ellie wants to be free from alpha males, but Adrian isn't the usual military dominant male. He's funny, sexy and loyal. He just needs Ellie to see him for who he is, not how he looks.

This is a three-part series. All books follow Adrian and Ellie and their relationship from Christmas through Valentine's Day. The HEA is at the end of Cupid's Misfire. This book ends with an HFN.

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Nombre del libro The Mistletoe Game
Género Comedias románticas
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 639.84 KB

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Descarga de The Mistletoe Game E-Book

El libro The Mistletoe Game escrito por Ellis O. Day se publicó el miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2020 en la categoría Comedias románticas. Un total de 160 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the mistletoe game (639.84 KB)

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