Reseña de SUMMARY - Big Debt Crises by Ray Dalio

Shortcut Edition

SUMMARY - Big Debt Crises by Ray Dalio de Shortcut Edition Resumen del Libro

* Our summary is short, simple and pragmatic. It allows you to have the essential ideas of a big book in less than 30 minutes.

*By reading this summary, you will learn how to analyze the mechanism of the debt cycle in order to anticipate economic crises. 

*You will also learn : that playing Monopoly is a good way to understand the economy; that it is possible to reduce the level of indebtedness thanks to four levers; that the debt cycle consists of seven typical phases; that lower interest rates make it easier to get housing loans, which increases the risk of a financial bubble; that inflationary depression is frequent when the government contracts debt in foreign currency.

*As an investor, you need to be able to predict economic crises, as this allows you to be better prepared for the storm. Following the analysis of debt cycles, it has been proven that the model repeats itself. It is therefore a cycle that can be broken down into seven distinct phases. By immersing yourself in this mechanism, you will be able to identify the phases of the long-term debt cycle. You will then understand how a bubble is formed and then the depression. Similarly, you will more easily assimilate the monetary policies that try to remedy them in order to rebalance the cycle. Are you ready to predict and understand the next economic crisis?

*Buy now the summary of this book for the modest price of a cup of coffee!

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El libro SUMMARY - Big Debt Crises by Ray Dalio escrito por Shortcut Edition se publicó el domingo, 3 de enero de 2021 en la categoría Ayudas al estudio. Un total de 60 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico summary - big debt crises by ray dalio (55.03 KB)

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