Reseña de Develop in Swift Explorations Teacher Guide

Apple Education

Develop in Swift Explorations Teacher Guide de Apple Education Resumen del Libro

This Teacher Guide provides tools to deepen engagement with aspiring app developers, whether you have experience teaching with Swift or other programming languages.

This course is designed to help students learn key computing concepts and build a solid foundation in programming with Swift. They’ll learn about the impact of computing and apps on society, economies, and cultures while exploring iOS app development. Lessons take students through the app design process: brainstorming, planning, prototyping, and evaluating an app of their own. While they may still be developing skills to convert prototypes into full apps, designing an app helps students grow into the exciting world of app development.

Connected World units provide students an engaging way to explore advanced technology concepts and the impact of computing on their lives. An illustrated, fictional story follows a group of students in a film club and their use of technology to arrange a viewing party, order food, and post to social media. Interactive illustrations provide insight into the technology behind their activities—including topics such as how computers digitize images and how online activity can be stored and tracked.

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Nombre del libro Develop in Swift Explorations Teacher Guide
Género Informática
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 116.96 MB

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Descarga de Develop in Swift Explorations Teacher Guide E-Book

El libro Develop in Swift Explorations Teacher Guide escrito por Apple Education se publicó el jueves, 15 de abril de 2021 en la categoría Informática. Un total de 94 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico develop in swift explorations teacher guide (116.96 MB)

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