Reseña de Fight!

Harry Hill

Fight! de Harry Hill Resumen del Libro


'The funniest man in the world has written the funniest book in the world' DAVID WALLIAMS

'A brilliant insight into what it takes to go from regular funny bloke to one of the best stand-ups I've ever seen' LEE MACK

'Proper laugh-out-loud funny, fascinating, and...a must for anyone who's interested in the business of laughter' JOE LYCETT

After a childhood spent making smoke bombs, killing wasps and carving soap in 70s Kent, Harry Hill then found himself in charge of hundreds of sick people as a junior doctor. Out of his depth and terrified, he chucked it all in to pursue his dream of becoming a stand-up comedian. Battling his way through the 90s comedy circuit he quickly rose to become a household name and one of the UK's most celebrated comics, almost making it to the top of the showbiz tree...

From being chased by an angry heckler and getting fired from Capital Radio to a bizarre assassination attempt and cutting up Simon Cowell's trousers, Harry takes an honest and hilarious look at the ups and downs of his life and career, finding joy in failure and creativity in struggle, whilst never forgetting that life is short.

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Nombre del libro Fight!
Género No ficción
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 23.06 MB

Fight! (Harry Hill) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Fight!, libro de Harry Hill

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Descarga de Fight! E-Book

El libro Fight! escrito por Harry Hill se publicó el jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2021 en la categoría No ficción. Un total de 88 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico fight! (23.06 MB)

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