Reseña de Childhood Dream

Theresa Paolo

Childhood Dream de Theresa Paolo Resumen del Libro

His dream just became a reality... Now what?

After drinking one too many glasses of champagne at a wedding and sleeping with her best friend’s younger brother, Krissy Turner, does everything in her power to forget about the curly haired sex god. But after her business is vandalized, he offers his services to help paint the place and in return she agrees to sit for him as a portrait model.

Up-and-coming artist, Tony Moretti, has been in love with his sister’s best friend most of his life. Creatively blocked and his passion lost, he looks to Krissy to ignite that spark inside of him again. Giving into their growing desires is inevitable. But when someone continues to terrorize Krissy, and she relies on Tony to comfort her, their relationship goes deeper than the heated chemistry between them.

When Tony’s passion returns, and Krissy’s enemy is revealed, their love will be tested, but will love be enough to set them free?

This hot and steamy small-town romance is the newest installment in Theresa Paolo’s Willow Cove Series set in the picturesque setting of coastal Maine.

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Nombre del libro Childhood Dream
Género Romance contemporáneo
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 841.2 KB

Childhood Dream (Theresa Paolo) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Childhood Dream, libro de Theresa Paolo

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Descarga de Childhood Dream E-Book

El libro Childhood Dream escrito por Theresa Paolo se publicó el martes, 29 de junio de 2021 en la categoría Romance contemporáneo. Un total de 188 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico childhood dream (841.2 KB)

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