Reseña de Weather4D Routing User Guide

Francis Fustier & Olivier Bouyssou

Weather4D Routing User Guide de Francis Fustier & Olivier Bouyssou Resumen del Libro

Weather4D Routing is a weather and routing application based on weather and ocean data in GRIB format as well as boat speed characteristics under sail (polar), minimum speed under sail and motor speed. Weather The weather forecast is displayed in 3D animation automatically or manually by sliding your finger on the screen. The GFS model is provided as standard and you have access to nearly 40 weather and ocean models available by yearly subscription (as an in-app purchase). The application offers unlimited creation of weather zones in which you select the appropriate weather and ocean models and the useful data to display. GRIB files can be downloaded via a traditional internet connection (Wi-Fi, cellular) or via satellite phone. A dual-screen display (iPad only) allows to combine and/or compare: navigation and weather, weather and waves or currents, two weather models... Routing The creation of waypoints and routes allows you to optimize your routes with advanced routing functions, according to departure dates and times, forecasts (weather, waves and currents), minimum sailing speed, motor speed, boat polar, and proposed constraints: maximum wind speed and wave height, minimum distance to the coast, etc. Several routings can be displayed simultaneously to compare the simulated data according to the parameters used. The routing calculation can be restarted at any time from the boat's position. This user manual is specifically dedicated to the use of the Weather4D Routing application. 96 pages 25 screenshots 31 videos

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El libro Weather4D Routing User Guide escrito por Francis Fustier & Olivier Bouyssou se publicó el miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2021 en la categoría Deportes acuáticos. Un total de 74 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico weather4d routing user guide (466.09 MB)

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