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The Richest Man in Babylon - A Comprehensive Summary If you want to satisfy your desires and ambition, you need to succeed financially. Money contributes to our well-being by allowing us to build our assets and make us happy. Poverty is the cause of life’s difficulties, whereas wealth is the way to a happier life, safe from financial worries. Therefore, wealth and happiness go hand in hand. If you want to be happy, you need to start by understanding how wealth works and recognize the conditions required. Once you’ve integrated these mechanisms and started to use them, you’ll be in a good position to prosper financially. Let’s visit the source of prosperity by taking a trip to the heart of the mythical city of Babylon, where the name alone is enough to make us dream… Babylon is an alluring city filled with riches, splendor, and joy. To understand the origins of its prosperity, we need to look at the history of the town itself. Babylon exists as a model of opulence because its citizens and leaders knew how to introduce the appropriate financial concepts. Things haven’t changed in over 6,000 years, and those laws and rules are just as relevant today. To properly understand the city’s financial progress, you must analyze its financial history, and recognize that a town’s prosperity is directly linked to that of its inhabitants. Babylon, situated on the banks of the river Euphrates in a flat and arid valley, wasn’t predestined to become a prosperous city. It had none of the obvious geographical advantages normally required to succeed. It was the work of man that boosted Babylon’s development and all its riches stemmed from hard work. Babylon stands as a testament to our extraordinary capacity to achieve significant objectives using the means at our disposal. The town’s engineers had the ingenious idea of constructing an effective irrigation system using water from the river. By making the land fertile, they were able to significantly increase the harvest and feed the inhabitants. As well as this system of irrigation, the engineers created a massive system of drainage in the Tigris-Euphrates estuary transforming marshland into a rich and fertile landscape ripe for cultivation. This built Babylon’s reputation for rich land and abundant harvests of wheat and barley. Babylon was a town known for its prosperity and trade As well as the ingenuity of its inhabitants in their use of natural resources, Babylon also owed its prosperity to the intelligence, justice, and wisdom of its rulers whose aim was to develop the town and help its citizens flourish. To be continued... Here is a Preview of What You Will Get: ⁃ A Full Book Summary ⁃ An Analysis ⁃ Fun quizzes ⁃ Quiz Answers ⁃ Etc Get a copy of this summary and learn about the book.

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