Reseña de Fortitude

Bruce Daisley

Fortitude de Bruce Daisley Resumen del Libro

'This is a truly refreshing, captivating and important book that shifted my perception on a topic I thought I knew! A must read.' Steven Bartlett, entrepreneur and host of 'The Diary of a CEO'

'It hooked me right in . . . A fantastic book.' Chis Evans

'Entertaining. Engaging. Educating.' Professor Damian Hughes, co-host of the 'High Performance' podcast

Resilience is the buzzword of the moment. We're told that if we have it, our lives will be happy and successful ones. If we don't, we need to acquire it.

But what if the version of resilience we've been peddled is a myth?

Here, Sunday Times bestselling author Bruce Daisley demolishes a concept that has spawned a multi-million pound industry of books, workshops and courses, exposing the highly questionable science it rests on. In its place he outlines a very different approach to good mental health that embraces the latest science and research.

Offering empirically tested advice, Fortitude sets out a practical path to greater self-confidence and courage for us all.

'Something I never knew I needed to read but I'm so glad I did, its opened up a whole angle of thinking.' Nadiya Hussain

'A fascinating and important pushback against the narrow, joy-eroding version of 'resilience' that would leave us to sink or swim alone, Fortitude is an indispensable guide to a more energising, human, and effective approach to working and thriving in a post-pandemic world.' Oliver Burkeman, author of 'Four Thousand Weeks'

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Nombre del libro Fortitude
Género Autoayuda
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 3.88 MB

Fortitude (Bruce Daisley) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Fortitude, libro de Bruce Daisley

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Descarga de Fortitude E-Book

El libro Fortitude escrito por Bruce Daisley se publicó el jueves, 25 de agosto de 2022 en la categoría Autoayuda. Un total de 64 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico fortitude (3.88 MB)

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