Reseña de Breathe

Lucinda Race

Breathe de Lucinda Race Resumen del Libro

Enjoy this clean, small town romance by award winning and bestselling author, Lucinda Her dream-come-true may mean the end of his dreams… Her family’s successful winery business in a small town in upstate New York should have gone to Tessa Price. She’d always dreamed of running the winery, but her brother, the prodigal son returns to claim the corner office. Looking to prove to her family she’s more than capable she boldly strikes out on her own, purchasing Sand Creek Winery—a cash-strapped competitor—right out from under her family. She can forge her own destiny, using her marketing skills and big plans to bring new life to the small winery. But first she has a proposition for the sexy previous owner. And he’s likely to hate it almost as much as he hates anyone with the last name of Price. Kevin “Max” Maxwell would never have willingly sold his winery to anyone named Price. Family always comes first, and if paying for his sister’s cancer treatment cost him his business, it was worth it. But when the new owner offers him a one-year contract to stay on as general manager, with a possible bonus, he’s hit rock bottom but he really can’t afford to turn it down. He can ignore the effect her deep brown eyes and heart-shaped face have on his senses for a year, can’t he? Relationships, like slowly ripening vineyards, take time. But Max has been keeping a secret from Tessa, one that could destroy their hopes for a future. Will a terrible accident force Tessa and Max to face how much they have to lose or tear apart their budding relationship forever? Sometimes a romance is like a fine wine. To be its best, it just needs time to breathe. Breathe is the first novel in the Price Family Romance Series, although each book can be read as standalone. A sweet and clean romantic story with a guaranteed happily ever after. Happy reading!

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Descarga de Breathe E-Book

El libro Breathe escrito por Lucinda Race se publicó el lunes, 17 de mayo de 2021 en la categoría Romance. Un total de 110 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico breathe (5.53 MB)

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