Reseña de These Twisted Bonds

Lexi Ryan

These Twisted Bonds de Lexi Ryan Resumen del Libro

'Sexy, surprising and full of secrets' Stephanie Garber

My night. My darkness. My power.


After Abriella's sister was sold to the fae, she thought life couldn't get any worse. But when she suddenly finds herself caught in a web of lies of her own making ­- loving two princes and trusting neither - things are not quite as clear as she once thought.

As civil war wages in the Court of Darkness, Brie finds herself unable to choose a side. How can she know where she stands when she doesn't even know herself anymore? In this darkly romantic thrill ride, the more Faerie is torn apart from the inside, the clearer it becomes that prophecies don't lie and Brie has a role to play in the fate of this magical realm - whether she likes it or not.


'An amazing conclusion' Netgalley - five star review

'A beautifully broken and epic fantasy' Carrie Ann Ryan

'I adored this. It literally had me crying, not because I was sad but because I was so happy when reading it' Netgalley - five star review

'Prepare to fall for your newest book boyfriend' Lisa Maxwell

'All in all ACOTAR vibes and will definitely read again' Netgalley - five star review

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Nombre del libro These Twisted Bonds
Género Ficción y literatura
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 3.69 MB

These Twisted Bonds (Lexi Ryan) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de These Twisted Bonds E-Book

El libro These Twisted Bonds escrito por Lexi Ryan se publicó el martes, 19 de julio de 2022 en la categoría Ficción y literatura. Un total de 14 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico these twisted bonds (3.69 MB)

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