Reseña de Brighter Than the Sun

Julia Quinn

Brighter Than the Sun de Julia Quinn Resumen del Libro

When Charles Wycombe, the dashing and incorrigible Earl of Billington, toppled out of a tree and landed at Ellie's feet, neither suspected that such an inauspicious meeting would lead to marriage. But Charles must find a bride before his thirtieth birthday or he'll lose his fortune. And Ellie needs a husband or her father's odious fiancée will choose one for her. And so they agree to wed, even though their match appears to have been made somewhere hotter than heaven ...

Ellie never dreamed she'd marry a stranger, especially one with such a devastating combination of rakish charm and debonair wit. She tries to keep him at arm's length, at least until she discovers the man beneath the handsome surface. But Charles can be quite persuasive -- even tender -- when he puts his mind to it, and Ellie finds herself slipping under his seductive spell. And as one kiss leads to another, this unlikely pair discovers that their marriage is not so inconvenient after all ... and just might lead to love.

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Nombre del libro Brighter Than the Sun
Género Romance de temática histórica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.13 MB

Brighter Than the Sun (Julia Quinn) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Brighter Than the Sun E-Book

El libro Brighter Than the Sun escrito por Julia Quinn se publicó el martes, 13 de octubre de 2009 en la categoría Romance de temática histórica. Un total de 100 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico brighter than the sun (1.13 MB)

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