Reseña de The Other Half Lives

Sophie Hannah

The Other Half Lives de Sophie Hannah Resumen del Libro

The fourth psychological suspense novel from the phenomenal, bestselling Sophie Hannah. A must-read for fans of Clare Mackintosh and Paula Hawkins.

'Utterly gripping' The Times
'Thrilling' Sunday Telegraph

Why would anyone confess to a murder that never happened?

Ruth Bussey knows what it means to be in the wrong and to be wronged. She once did something she regrets, and her punishment nearly destroyed her. Now Ruth is rebuilding her life, and has found a love she doesn't believe she deserves: Aidan Seed.

Aidan is also troubled by a past he hates to talk about, until one day he decides he must confide in Ruth. He tells her that years ago he killed someone: a woman called Mary Trelease.

Ruth is confused. She's certain she's heard the name before, and when she realises why it sounds familiar, her fear and confusion deepen - because the Mary Trelease that Ruth knows is very much alive . . .

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Nombre del libro The Other Half Lives
Género Misterio y suspense
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 2.99 MB

The Other Half Lives (Sophie Hannah) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Other Half Lives E-Book

El libro The Other Half Lives escrito por Sophie Hannah se publicó el jueves, 23 de julio de 2009 en la categoría Misterio y suspense. Un total de 30 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the other half lives (2.99 MB)

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