Reseña de The Pillars of the Earth

Ken Follett

The Pillars of the Earth de Ken Follett Resumen del Libro

#1 New York Times Bestseller

Oprah's Book Club Selection

The “extraordinary . . . monumental masterpiece” (Booklist) that changed the course of Ken Follett’s already phenomenal career—and begins where its prequel, The Evening and the Morning, ended.

“Follett risks all and comes out a clear winner,” extolled Publishers Weekly on the release of The Pillars of the Earth. A departure for the bestselling thriller writer, the historical epic stunned readers and critics alike with its ambitious scope and gripping humanity. Today, it stands as a testament to Follett’s unassailable command of the written word and to his universal appeal. 
The Pillars of the Earth tells the story of Philip, prior of Kingsbridge, a devout and resourceful monk driven to build the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has known . . . of Tom, the mason who becomes his architect—a man divided in his soul . . . of the beautiful, elusive Lady Aliena, haunted by a secret shame . . . and of a struggle between good and evil that will turn church against state and brother against brother.
A spellbinding epic tale of ambition, anarchy, and absolute power set against the sprawling medieval canvas of twelfth-century England, this is Ken Follett’s historical masterpiece.

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Nombre del libro The Pillars of the Earth
Género Ficción histórica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 32.82 MB

The Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follett) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Pillars of the Earth E-Book

El libro The Pillars of the Earth escrito por Ken Follett se publicó el jueves, 1 de julio de 1999 en la categoría Ficción histórica. Un total de 65 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 5 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the pillars of the earth (32.82 MB)

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