Reseña de The Last Kingdom

Bernard Cornwell

The Last Kingdom de Bernard Cornwell Resumen del Libro

*A brand new companion to the Last Kingdom series, Uhtred’s Feast, is available to pre-order now*

Welcome to The Last Kingdom

Discover the first book in the epic, bestselling series that has gripped millions.

A hero will be forged from this broken land.

In a land torn apart by conflict, an orphan boy has come of age. Raised by the Vikings, deadly enemies of his own Saxon people, Uhtred is a fierce and skilled warrior who kneels to no-one.

Alfred – Saxon, king, man of god – fights to hold the throne of the only land still resisting the pagan northerners.

Uhtred and Alfred’s fates are tangled, soaked in blood and blackened by the flames of war. Together they will change history.


'Cornwell is a virtuoso of historical fiction.' Sunday Telegraph

'Bernard Cornwell is a literary miracle. Year after year, hail, rain, snow, war and political upheavals fail to prevent him from producing the most entertaining and readable historical novels of his generation.' Daily Mail

‘A phenomenal storyteller’ Daily Express

'Cornwell's narration is quite masterly and supremely well-researched.' Observer

About the author

Bernard Cornwell worked for BBC Television for seven years, mostly as a producer on the Nationwide programme, before taking charge of the Current Affairs department in Northern Ireland. In 1978 he became editor of Thames Television’s Thames at Six. Married to an American, he now lives in the United States.

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Nombre del libro The Last Kingdom
Género Histórica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.48 MB

The Last Kingdom (Bernard Cornwell) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de The Last Kingdom E-Book

El libro The Last Kingdom escrito por Bernard Cornwell se publicó el viernes, 24 de julio de 2009 en la categoría Histórica. Un total de 52 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the last kingdom (1.48 MB)

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