Reseña de Afraid of the Dark

Tom Henderson

Afraid of the Dark de Tom Henderson Resumen del Libro

Detroit mortgage broker Mark Unger adored his wife Florence and their two young sons. But after a decade of marriage and increasing financial trouble, Mark's life began to slowly unravel. He became addicted to pain killers and gambling, and ended up spending five months in rehab.

Forced to go back to work, Flo became bitter and resentful of Mark and began to have an affair with one of his friends. When Mark returned home and his disability checks weren't enough to make ends meet Flo filed for divorce.

Panicked by the thought losing her, Mark did everything he could to win Flo back. Even though she resisted his efforts, Flo did agree to a weekend getaway at the family's favorite lakeside resort. But after their first night there, Flo went missing…and the next day her corpse was found floating in the water. Mark claimed that her death was an accident—one that must have happened while he was up at the cottage, putting the kids to sleep. But soon a jury would be convinced of what Flo's friends and family believed to be true: That Flo would never have been alone on the boat dock that night because she was deathly AFRAID OF THE DARK.

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Afraid of the Dark (Tom Henderson) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de Afraid of the Dark, libro de Tom Henderson

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Descarga de Afraid of the Dark E-Book

El libro Afraid of the Dark escrito por Tom Henderson se publicó el martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009 en la categoría Crímenes reales. Un total de 96 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico afraid of the dark (858.03 KB)

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