Reseña de The Dream

Gilbert Morris

The Dream de Gilbert Morris Resumen del Libro

Lanie Freeman had to grow up fast. Her mother died when she was just fourteen and now her father is in prison. The oldest of five children, seventeen-year-old Lanie has transformed into a surrogate mother … and a beautiful young woman. Not only must she keep her family together, but lately she has drawn the attention of Roger Langley, son of the richest man in town. Tensions run deep between the Freemans and the Langleys. And on top of it all, Louise Langley accuses Lanie of trying to snatch away her handsome fiancé, Dr. Owen Merrit. Dr. Merrit has long helped out the Freeman children, but Lanie isn’t sure he even notices that she’s no longer a child. Then Fairhope is thrown into chaos when the new preacher arrives—wearing blue jeans and riding a motorcycle. In only a month, dashing Brother Colin Ryan shakes the entire town to the core of their beliefs. With the town embattled over the preacher, her family struggling to survive, and her own heart in turmoil, Lanie seeks solace in her writing. She pours out her heart to God, trusting his promises. But when things fall apart at every turn, will Lanie continue to trust? The Dream continues the inspiring saga of one woman’s struggle to hold together her family and follow her dreams in the midst of America’s darkest hour.

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Nombre del libro The Dream
Género Ficción religiosa
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.99 MB

The Dream (Gilbert Morris) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de The Dream, libro de Gilbert Morris

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Descarga de The Dream E-Book

El libro The Dream escrito por Gilbert Morris se publicó el martes, 26 de mayo de 2009 en la categoría Ficción religiosa. Un total de 112 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the dream (1.99 MB)

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