Reseña de The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Robert Louis Stevenson

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde de Robert Louis Stevenson Resumen del Libro

An Apple Books Classic edition.

What would happen if you let your darkness out? Are you certain you’d be able to rein it back in? When Dr. Jekyll turned toward the dark side, he was convinced he could turn back at will, while his friends assumed he’d fallen under the influence of the criminal Mr. Hyde. But the good doctor—and all his acquaintances—were very, very wrong. Can Dr. Jekyll escape the clutches of Mr. Hyde before it’s too late?

Set in the London society of the 1880s, Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic novella is a masterful tale of suspense and psychological intrigue. The story plays to primal fears like losing control of ourselves and discovering that a person we trusted is actually someone—or something—else entirely: a monster. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a must-read for anyone who loves mysteries and crime fiction.

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Nombre del libro The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Género Terror
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The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson) Análisis y Personajes

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A must-read thriller. The influence this book has had in hundreds of stories ever since is undeniable. Rich, powerful and intricate keeps one reading until the very end. Hats off to Mr. R.L. Stevenson.

Simply. Good

A very cool short horror. Despite knowing the course of actions as the story is known worldwide, I came across an eerie story skillfully built up. I read it in a single sitting! I enjoyed how Mr. Utterson unwinds the clues around this horrifying and mysterious character everyone abhors, the so-called Mr. Hyde. Besides, I found Dr. Jekyll’s vision around the duality in human nature, one of the themes explored in the novel and broadly explained by Jekyll himself, quite fascinating: the ability to set apart two identities so they can’t be interconnected. Nonetheless, in his aims to reach his obscure scientific goals, he finds out that the sense of boundless freedom he yearns for can be hard to bear.

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Descarga de The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde E-Book

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