Reseña de The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (Annotated with Critical Examination of Wilde’s Plays and Short Biography of Oscar Wilde)

Oscar Wilde

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (Annotated with Critical Examination of Wilde’s Plays and Short Biography of Oscar Wilde) de Oscar Wilde Resumen del Libro

The complete works of Oscar Wilde are collected here with an active table of contents to help you easily navigate to each work. Includes all of Wilde’s published works with critical examinations of his each of his major works. A biography of the life and times of Oscar Wilde is also included.

The following works are included in this massive anthology:
A Critic in Pall Mall
De Profundis
Essays & Lectures
Miscellaneous Aphorisms
The Soul of Man Under Socialism

The Picture of Dorian Grey

The Duchess of Padua
Fragmented and Unfinished Works
For Love of the King
An Ideal Husband
The Importance of Being Earnest
Lady Windermere’s Fan
Vera, or Nihilists
A Woman of No Importance


The Canterville Ghost
The Happy Prince and Other Stories
A House of Pomegranates
Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories
Selected Prose
Shorter Prose Pieces

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Nombre del libro The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (Annotated with Critical Examination of Wilde’s Plays and Short Biography of Oscar Wilde)
Género Teatro
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 1.52 MB

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (Annotated with Critical Examination of Wilde’s Plays and Short Biography of Oscar Wilde) (Oscar Wilde) Análisis y Personajes

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Comentario de The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (Annotated with Critical Examination of Wilde’s Plays and Short Biography of Oscar Wilde), libro de Oscar Wilde

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Descarga de The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (Annotated with Critical Examination of Wilde’s Plays and Short Biography of Oscar Wilde) E-Book

El libro The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (Annotated with Critical Examination of Wilde’s Plays and Short Biography of Oscar Wilde) escrito por Oscar Wilde se publicó el viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011 en la categoría Teatro. Un total de 64 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the complete works of oscar wilde (annotated with critical examination of wilde’s plays and short biography of oscar wilde) (1.52 MB)

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