Reseña de Vampire Cheerleaders Vol. 1

Adam Arnold, Shiei & Comipa

Vampire Cheerleaders Vol. 1 de Adam Arnold, Shiei & Comipa Resumen del Libro

Two sexy supernatural tales by the mad inventors of fan favorite AOI HOUSE!


The Bakertown High School cheerleading squad has a secret: behind all their pretty makeup and short skirts are five hungry vampires who sure know how to show their school spirit! 

When one of their own turns up missing, the vampire cheerleaders have no other choice but to induct one of the eleventh grade girls from ‘B Squad’ into their vixenous ranks. Siring new recruit Heather Hartley may be the easy part, but keeping her from becoming a vamp-gone-wild and draining the entire football team on the eve of the big homecoming game is another matter!


Goth girl Stephanie Kane, her bratty sister Katie, and best friend Charlotte have a good thing going. They’ve made a name for themselves traveling the country in their trusty Winnebago hunting down cryptids and all manners of supernatural beasties. That is, until the organization known as PETM (People for the Ethical Treatment of Monsters) slaps them with a boatload of new regulations and places a court-appointed PETM liaison on their all-girl team: the enigmatic, albeit slightly anemic, J.C. Summerfield. 

When things go awry during the team’s next case, it’s Stephanie’s kid sister Katie who finds herself in the hairiest situation of her life...literally!

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Descarga de Vampire Cheerleaders Vol. 1 E-Book

El libro Vampire Cheerleaders Vol. 1 escrito por Adam Arnold, Shiei & Comipa se publicó el sábado, 2 de abril de 2011 en la categoría Otro. Un total de 60 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico vampire cheerleaders vol. 1 (80.66 MB)

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