Reseña de Memories of Ice

Steven Erikson

Memories of Ice de Steven Erikson Resumen del Libro

The ravaged continent of Genabackis has given birth to a terrifying new empire: the Pannion Domin. Like a fanatical tide of corrupted blood, it seethes across the land, devouring all who fail to heed the Word of its elusive prophet, the Pannion Seer.

In its path stands an uneasy alliance: Dujek Onearm's Host and the Bridgeburners - each now outlawed by the Empress ­- alongside some enemies of old that include the grim forces of Warlord Caladan Brood, Anomander Rake, Son of Darkness, and his Tiste Andii, and the Rhivi people of the Plains.

But more ancient clans are also gathering. As if in answer to some primal summons, the massed ranks of the undead T'lan Imass have risen. It would seem that something altogether darker and more malign threatens the very substance of this world. The Warrens are poisoned, and rumours abound that the Crippled God is now unchained and intent on a terrible revenge . . .

Marking the return of many favourite characters from Garden of the Moon and introducing a host of remarkable new players, Memories of Ice is the thrilling third chapter in Steven Erikson's magnificent, genre defining epic fantasy.

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Nombre del libro Memories of Ice
Género Fantasía épica
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 9.91 MB

Memories of Ice (Steven Erikson) Análisis y Personajes

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Descarga de Memories of Ice E-Book

El libro Memories of Ice escrito por Steven Erikson se publicó el miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009 en la categoría Fantasía épica. Un total de 188 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico memories of ice (9.91 MB)

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