Reseña de 69 Keeney Avenue

Coolidge Templeton

69 Keeney Avenue de Coolidge Templeton Resumen del Libro

69 Keeney Avenue is a mystery with elements of Christian Revelation. A young woman from Russia comes to the small suburban town of West Hartford, Connecticut to be a cook for the mysterious Pavlovich family. Young Sonia Godunov is an attractive, friendly young lady who dreams of becoming a chef in her new country. She is to work at 69 Keeney Avenue, a scary-looking house near the center of town. She meets the three strange Pavlovich brothers, who alternate between helping her and terrifying her. Sonia finds herself attracted to Alexander, the youngest of the three brothers. Though Sonia is intimidated by Harriet Blom, the aunt of the three brothers, she soon finds that Harriet is a sort of mother figure to her. As Sonia prepares for a local baking contest in town, she is threatened by the middle brother, Ivan Pavlovich. He forces her to search for an object that is hidden at 69 Keeney Avenue. Sonia is also intimidated by the eldest brother, Nicholas Pavlovich, who has brought her to the house for some unknown purpose. Sonia will have to solve the mystery that hangs over the three brothers if she is to hold on to her dreams and her sanity. This mystery lies in the darkest corners of 69 Keeney Avenue.

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Nombre del libro 69 Keeney Avenue
Género Mujeres detectives
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 337.39 KB

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Descarga de 69 Keeney Avenue E-Book

El libro 69 Keeney Avenue escrito por Coolidge Templeton se publicó el domingo, 17 de julio de 2011 en la categoría Mujeres detectives. Un total de 156 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico 69 keeney avenue (337.39 KB)

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