Reseña de Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior

Suzanne L. Davis

Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior de Suzanne L. Davis Resumen del Libro

Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior is a short, lighthearted look at 10 things human beings do, why we do them, and their significance in our everyday lives. What should we make of the talking heads on cable TV who argue about the cause of TV violence on children's behavior - whose explanation is correct? Why are reality TV shows, some of which portray contestants as pathetic and dysfunctional, so popular?

Questions like these usually provoke different answers from different people, each of whom may attribute his or her answers to "common sense." One person argues that "of course children mimic violence they see on TV - my kids do" while another attributes it to "poor parenting - because my kids don't." Which is it, and why?

Research psychologists try to answer these questions as best we can. This book is a brief look at the answers to 10 aspects of human behavior - answers derived from controlled behavioral research that is designed to test various theories about behavior. Certainly, there is more to human behavior than the 10 things I chose for this short book. And there are hundreds of primary sources and research reports that describe the research findings in more depth. They're out there if you'd like to read more.

But for those who are new to the field of Experimental Psychology, 10 Things may pique your interest in learning more about the subject. And for those "armchair psychologists" out there who'd like a quick read about the most fascinating creatures on the planet - human beings - I think you'll like it, too.

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Nombre del libro Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior
Género Psicología
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 118.41 KB

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Descarga de Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior E-Book

El libro Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior escrito por Suzanne L. Davis se publicó el sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011 en la categoría Psicología. Un total de 38 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico ten interesting things about human behavior (118.41 KB)

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