Reseña de How to Produce an eBook

Smashing Magazine

How to Produce an eBook de Smashing Magazine Resumen del Libro

eBooks are a booming industry. We have successfully published the Smashing eBook Series and Thomas Burkert is willing to share our high-flying recipe with you. It is time for that bright idea for a book of yours to thrive. Why not make it an eBook and present it to a worldwide audience? Then this 22 page guide is what you need.

Read up on the common eBook formats before you get started to find out why you need them and which fits your purposes. The step by step workflow of the Smashing Magazine eBook Production Manual focuses on the creation of eBooks using Apple Pages. Everything from document setup to including a table of contents, images or tables is addressed. It takes careful coordination of planning, production and publishing to stay on top of the workflow. Optimization, exporting and testing are important final touches. 

Make sure you are all set to make your first eBook publication a Smashing success with the Smashing eBook production manual “How to Produce an eBook”. 

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Descarga de How to Produce an eBook E-Book

El libro How to Produce an eBook escrito por Smashing Magazine se publicó el jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011 en la categoría Internet. Un total de 94 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico how to produce an ebook (2.7 MB)

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